The Nine-Step Approach to Resource Efficiency

STEP 4: Assessment Phase – Data Gathering Phase 1

For any effective waste prevention programme, data or resource based information is essential. This allows you to ensure you are being billed properly, to identify areas that are resource intensive, ensure that you are not wasting resources (which means wasting money) and when you have made improvements you will be able to calculate the savings. The level of information gathered will vary based on the specifics of the organisation or event that you are assessing.

Tip! A general survey of the site is a good place to start. This usually includes the following:
- Gather information from bills e.g. billing rates for waste, electricity tariffs and costs, etc.
- Do basic checks on resource use e.g. night time test for water use, electricity consumption profile, etc.
- Do a walkthrough audit which will identify areas that will require more detailed examination or simple low or
no cost improvements

Look at this questionnaire used with SMEs in the Dingle region to assess their environmental performance for the Corca Dhuibne Glas programme

Read the detailed audit results in the Fota Wildlife Park Environmental Improvement Plan 2011, carried out by Cork County Council staff.

See the waste, water and energy checklists for farms in this Monaghan Farm Environmental Management Booklet.