The Nine-Step Approach to Resource Efficiency

STEP 7: Setting Targets

Targets help to motivate and steer a project. Setting realistic and achievable targets for the prevention programme is an important means of generating goals (both short and long term) for the project team and the organisation or event. Setting interim milestones can act as both a focus for the team and also serve as encouragement for further improvement. There are many elements which will drive target setting and these can include:

  • Legislation
  • Regional, national and international benchmarks
  • Best practice
  • Data analysis
  • Aims/goals of the institution or event

Click here to see the legislation questionnaire that CTC produced for companies in 2010 to assess their legislative compliance and generate possible actions and targets

Click here to see the required targets of companies in the catering and hospitality sectors to successfully receive the Green Hospitality Award

Under the European Communities (Energy End Use Efficiency and Energy Services) regulations 2009, the public sector will need to reduce the consumption of energy by 33% by 2020. Therefore when devising targets for energy reductions, this long term target should be taken into account.

One method of setting waste related targets is to use the pre-existing benchmarks such as waste scale-up factors.