Resource Efficiency in Organisations

Generate & Prioritise Options

After the work that has been done on site and waste data analysed (Assessment phase of the 9 Steps), a number of focus areas or waste streams should be apparent (Step 5 of the 9 Steps). These need to be prioritised for action (Step 6 of the 9 Steps). When prioritising options the selection process may be based on one or more of the following criteria:

  • Size of waste stream
  • Value of stream
  • Hazardous nature or otherwise
  • Ease of finding a solution (low hanging fruit)
  • Tip!
    When evaluating any of the options using any of the above, or indeed any other, method, it is advisable to apply a Pareto Analysis. This will ensure that the most important streams are tackled first.

    Click here to see the Coral Cobh Leisure Centre environmental improvement plan 2011 showing potential imrovement options

    Click here to see a detailed analysis of different commercial sectors to identify waste priorities and options.

    Click here to see potential improvement options and actual resource efficiency case studies from the EPA NWPP Green Business Programme.