Resource Efficiency in Organisations
In this section of the ToolKit you are provided with a simple way to identify the main types and volumes of waste a business or organisation may be generating. This will help you think about which sector or sectors you might focus on.
There are also a series of case studies and best practice tips to help you work in your own local authority or with companies to reduce waste volumes at source and save money.
As is usually the case, the 9 Step Approach to resource efficiency is applied and, assuming there is commitment, the main focus is on the Technical Dimension.
For waste, the technical dimension involves some key steps and activities. Click on the following links to see further specific waste-related support:
- Waste Assessment Data Gathering (pre-assessment)
- On-Site Waste Assessment
- Generate & Prioritise Options
- Set Targets
The remaining 2 steps are Implement Options and Review Results and more information can be found in the 9 Step Approach.
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