Resource Efficiency in Homes and Communities


Tip! "Home is where the hearth is" - but home is also where a lot of waste and emissions occur in Ireland. When developing a programme for resource efficiency in homes in your region, consider the Nine Step Approach as an overarching method, but there are some excellent sources of information and support available also.

Click here to get more information about the NWPP Green Home Programme (which supports and advises householders on ways to save money on their household bills while protecting the environment. The programme can be undertaken by an individual householder or as part or a group.)

Click here to learn about the Limerick Eco Pledge Programme to encourage the general public to make a change

Why not promote more environmentally friendly shopping in your region - check out this flyer from the Limerick Clare Kerry Regional Waste Management Office

Why not have a look at the LAPN Catalogue and do a search with the term 'Home' - there's a lot of useful stuff there.